“Rewriting Your Personal Script That Will Lead to a More Empowered You…”
( Even if no-one has ever heard of you and you… )

Host & Presenter:
Bob Choat
FREE Life Script Training + Worksheets
With Transformational Grandmaster and Host of The School of Transformation Podcast Bob Choat
Tuesday, June 27th
- 11:00AM PT (Los Angeles)
- 2:00PM ET (New York)
You will be getting worksheets and more as part of this live training. PLUS I’ll send you a recording of this event as well as a special invitation to be part of a private coaching program related to this training
Only 200 Spots Available - Reserve Yours Now!
In this webinar, you're going to learn to identify your life's script. This includes how it affects everything in your life. Knowing your disempowering story, you'll be able to better create one the moves you forward. Part of the process is to also identify the beliefs that you've guided your life by.
After identifying your life's script, you're going to rewrite it to one that more empowering. Your life's script are simply the stories you tell yourself. This webinar you will learn how to create a more powerful story. We all are attached to our story, even if it doesn't serve us. It's time to change yours.
Once you create that new narrative for you life, you'll start to put it into action. This will be a compelling story that you will tell yourself about your future. The only way to make this happen to take immediately and deliberate action. You'll learn how to do just that and in the best way.
WARNING: Space is limited. We are limited to 200 seats on this webinar, and we usually (but not always) max out on attendance. If this sounds good, lock in your seat by clicking the button above.
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