Unlike someone like Tony Robbins, many speakers and presenters have very little energy when they speak.  It shows in both their voice and body language.  Even when they tell stories, there’s no life in them.  Working with several clients, I was able to use the power of Ki to help increase their energy and power when they speak.

When one’s body language is changed, it changes them.  Ki energy that is used in the martial arts as well as in healing helps one to connect fully to their body.  Additionally, Ki is located in the abdominal area and near the diaphragm.  Many speakers tend to speak from their upper chest area.  This leads to a weakness in their voice as well as it become more high-pitched.

By bringing forth the Ki energy and have it come up from the abdominal area and spring out to the top, the person presenting will deliver a more dynamic voice, full of life!  I call this process Ki-Power…

What I’ve done with my clients is to help them connect from their base and bring forth that energy, into their Ki and up through their body as an expression.  Their body language movements also become more dynamic.  And each point of their talk is emphasized through their voice and body.  They are feeling the experience of what they are saying – with passion.

Each person has that Ki-Power within them.  Just learn to unleash it for your presentations to become that powerful speaker you were meant to be.  BTW, it also is great to help you relax and reduce the fear of speaking.

Have fun!


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