So many motivational speakers and others talk about taking action.  Just what does that really mean?  Action in of itself may not be right.  And that’s what I’m talking about, RIGHT ACTION.

What is right action?  Well it’s action that’s done right with a positive outcome.  Furthermore, it’s taking the right steps to make sure that the goal is reaching.  We can all take action.  Sitting down is an action and so is going to the movies.  Do any of those help you reach your goals?  It might.  If you happen to be a movie reviewer, then going to the movies is a right action.  If you’re testing out a new car to buy, then sitting down in the driver’s seat is a right action.

Napoleon Hill once stated, “Mere knowledge, within itself, is no more powerful than the steam that is compressed in the boiler.  Neither is beneficial until released through intelligently directed action.”

Make sure that what you learn is useful toward the stated goal.  You don’t want to use the wrong knowledge.  Only through using the right knowledge through a “directed action” will you accomplish your goal/dream.  As you travel on the road towards your dream, you will encounter many obstacles along the way.  This is where the use of specialized knowledge will come into play.  Many times you’ll need to enlist the help of others who have that knowledge that you can put into action.  Just like when you were lost somewhere and asked a local for directions (at least I hope you weren’t the kind of person who thought they knew exactly where you were at, but didn’t).

If you are taking action towards your health and wellness, then make sure that what you are taking action on is right.  We know that exercise can help you in your efforts and it’s the same with nutrition.  Now, will eating salmon help?  It will unless it’s farm-raised.  Know what you are doing.  Learn from your mistakes and then change direction using the right action.  Many times this will change depending on new data.  Make adjustments all the time.  That’s how you grow.  What worked in the past may not work now.  Knowledge of the past may not fit with what we know now.  And even what we know now may change in the future.

Do your best to use right action as much as you can and you’ll find yourself getting to where you’re focused on much faster.

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