The modeling industry, Hollywood and other media areas has brought forth in the last couple of decades huge issues regarding one’s self-image. With the internet and YouTube, it’s only gotten worse. Girls and guys alike are expected to look a certain way. When they don’t look like that hot model or a superhero, then it leads to lowered self-confidence.
Self-image and self-confidence go hand-in-hand. As one’s perception of themselves rise, so do their confidence levels. I remember working with clients on this very issue. Once they were able to look at themselves in a more positive light, they started liking who they saw. And when this happened, they became more social and confident. Their physiology actually changed as did the way they talked.
There are some in society who naturally have a high self-image and self-confidence and it shows in the way they carry themselves. Many politicians are this way (they are also high on the narcissistic scale). Many may think that actors are the same. For some, yes. For most, no. Just because they play a role on TV or in the movies, doesn’t equate to a high self-image or self-confidence as their real selves. That goes the same for the modeling industry.
Now, here’s the reality for you. You can start on the road to raising your self-image and thereby, raising your self-confidence. And here’s a simply physical trick that you can do: walk as if you are amazing. That means to keep your head held high, your shoulders square and your posture straight. Smiling helps too. Do and see how this simple exercise can help you raise your self-image.
Have fun and keep raising yourself to new heights!