From the very beginning.. heck… from the synopsis and into overture…’Risky is the New Safe’ shows the reader a new way of thinking. Though many great thinkers (and risk-takers) of the past instinctively knew this.
Keeping one’s thought’s engaged with the story of “monkey training” and taking one through many other stories related to taking ‘calculated risks’ and profound thinking…the reader can make a true difference in his or her life as well as the lives of others when put into action what author Randy Gage lays out.
I like how he was able to present the information in this book like a four part opera. How perfectly suited! In a sense, we are all living this way. It’s simply how we move within it that counts. This book provides the right information at the right time. Thinking different means to break the rules in order to create new ideas. As Randy points out, most of what we know is “broke.”
I love the title of Act III – Move Fast and Break Things… Today’s society is progressing at an ever-faster pace. Most important for me is that Randy got me to rethink some aspects of social media for what I do. I won’t tell you the details except to use it the right way. You’ve got to read this book to get what I mean.
At the very end there’s a list of recommended books that you should get. Again, I’m not going to share that list with you, except that I would personally recommend them too.
Overall, I love the pace of the book and it certainly plays like an opera. Enjoy it as you gather well-thought out information and start applying it (as I have) into your own life. Don’t just read it… DO IT!
Preorder it now!