Chief berates subordinate, the boss is not happy, 3d

It sure seems that more and more people have gotten so emotionally overloaded that they explode into name-calling and more.  Politics is one aspect of that.  All sides staking out their positions and if someone challenges their viewpoint, they react.  This even happens in relationships, businesses and religion.  The old idiom of never to talk about politics and religion holds true because of the way people react.  Critical thinking goes out the window and emotions take over.

While are emotions are great for creating action, they can also create reaction.  Think about a time when you had an emotional reaction.  What did you do?  How did you react and what was it about?  If you were to step back and rationalize your reaction, how would you have responded differently?  And see what I just stated?  I replaced reacted with responded.  When you bring in the ability to respond, you’ve taken responsibility (response + ability).

During arguments, one can either react or respond.  Lawyers are taught to respond when arguing a case in court.  That is one of the reasons to use them.  Even lawyers will use another lawyer, they are not emotionally connected to the case.  The more intense the emotions, the more intense the reaction.  When you are grounded strongly emotionally in your beliefs and another person in theirs, then a highly reactive environment is created.

What can you do to go from reacting to responding?  Step back from what you were reacting to.  Then, step outside of your personal beliefs.  This may take some practice beforehand.  You may want to give it a go now.  Learn to look at the other person’s point of view.  Do they have any legitimate aspects to it?  What are the common grounds that can be agreed upon?

Think to yourself if you are still having a hard time, “Has my reactive nature served me well?”  If the answer is no, then you realize you will need to make changes in order to get your point across.

Emotions are a vital part of being human.  They serve to protect us from danger and to fall in love.  It’s when they get out of hand in an ill-serving way is when we need to have our rational mind take over.  Let’s focus on creating the best possible version of you – mind, body and spirit.  Combine the emotional part with the rational parts and witness amazing things happen.

Here’s to a fantastic you!

America’s #1 Mind-Body Transformation Expert helping you to a more excellent self.

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