I had recently done research for an article I’m doing for a men’s magazine on Paleo Fitness. It was interesting regarding the scientific data that has come out regarding the differences between humans today and humans 10,000+ years ago and it’s it startling. While our genes are basically the same, our lifestyles are drastically different.
Here’s the thing about humans, we are meant to move and move a lot. I mean, there are exceptions, like when we sleep and when we eat. Our Paleolithic ancestors walked about 5-10 miles per day. No, they weren’t marathon runners. This was throughout the day. They had to because they needed to survive. And that genetic part of us is still with us. Sitting all day long is unnatural. When our ancestors did sit, it was mostly in the form of a squat.
Their diet was wild animals, insects, berries, fruit, nuts and plants. It wasn’t until about 10,000 years ago when our first ancestors started farming. Grains were mostly unheard of. There might have been a few nibbles here and there.
So, early man moved all over the place. They even moved to new locations. Let me ask you this, “How much have you moved today?” I don’t mean sitting and squirming all over the place (though, that is better than nothing). Even standing is better than sitting and burns about 50 calories more per hour.
Here’s my challenge to you. Become more Paleo-Like. What that simply means is that to move much like our ancestors did. Walking counts. Eat foods closer to Mother Nature and not the overly processed junk. And be more mindful, meaning to live in the present moment. While we can never go back to those days, unless you’re stuck in the wild somewhere and had to survive, we can mimic some of those times.
If you have to walk to the grocery store and carry your groceries back, then do it. That is almost like hunting and gathering. Men and women, alike, walked a lot. Do it together. Okay, Stone Age Bob signing off for now….
Bob Choat
America’s #1 Mind-Body Transformation Expert and author of Mind Your Own Fitness