Moments are those special periods of time that exist briefly and yet will last a lifetime.  The deeper the meaning of those special moments only brings about a more lasting memory.  So many times people go about their days without stopping and enjoying moments.  When I’ve asked some people what they had for dinner last night, they can’t remember.

Going through the day has become robotic for the great majority of people.  It’s almost like watching “Zombies” walking or rushing to do this or that.  Some may be engaged on their “Smart Phone” in a meaningless text conversation, while others are zoned out watching TV.  There used to be a time when families would sit around the dinner table and talk about things that happen.  Stories would be swapped.  Each dinner was special to those there.

Now we see people eating mindlessly.  They simply are not aware of how much they eat or even care.  They see what is on their dinner plates and will “scarf” it down.  It’s no wonder we have an obesity epidemic. There’s a great many people are going through life in this same mindless manner.  Moments are lost.

It’s time to start making moments count again.  It’s time to start living in a more mindful manner.  If we do that, then maybe a lot of the problems of modern society, including obesity, will lessen.  Just maybe people will start to care again about life and living.  Truly living.  In each moment.

“Life isn’t a matter of milestones, but of moments.” ~Rose Kennedy

Start to enjoy each moment.  Start doing meditation to help empty your mind so that you will be more open to the moments of your life.  Practice mindfulness.  One of the premier experts in mindfulness training is Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn.  Watch this video from 2007 in his presentation on mindfulness.



Start your journey into your moments and make them count.  Let me add that you start documenting them too.  Remember, the moment your moments pass, they will never come back except in your memories and your journals.

Enjoy your moments,


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