I remember as a child hearing as old expression by Benjamin Franklin, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”  These words were originally found in 1735 edition of ‘Poor Richards’ Almanack’.  What stuck to me the most was that healthy came before wealthy.  And all three were important in our lives.  Getting enough sleep was a key to all three.

I think in today’s world we have lost much of what Franklin spoke of.  Throughout the years, health has always been a key to enjoying our wealth and being able to even learn.  For without health, we can’t truly have wealth or even gain wisdom.  Once you have health, then getting the the other two will be much easier.

Start off by knowing your own body and how it functions.  Know what foods do it as well as exercise.  Each person is different and has different needs.  Still, living a healthy and fit life trumps all.  Without it, you won’t be able to fully enjoy what life has to offer, including wealth.  In fact, it’s been said that health is wealth.  From health you can move to wealth and even become wealthier.

With wealth you can get even healthier.  So each feeds upon one another after a certain point.  It starts with health.  If you are not healthy, then no amount of money is going to get you it.  It takes effort to get there.  Just because you have an excellent healthcare plan and go to the doctor, doesn’t mean you will have health.  It’s much more than that.  Again, it’s about living a healthy lifestyle which includes what you eat and getting enough physical activity.  I would also like to add challenging your brain too.  Mind and body in this case.

Make a plan towards a definite purpose regarding your health.  Then you can add in the wealth and wisdom aspects to it.  I believe in all.  Imagine having a healthy, wealthy and wise life.  Then believe it and do it.

Start with health.


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