
I remember as a kid learning how to adjust things so that they will work better.  If the chain on my bicycle was too loose, then I would find the master link and make adjustments.  The air pressure in the tires was another part of that adjustment.  When I practiced my martial arts, adjustments were always being made to my form, strikes, kicks and so forth.  So it was in everything I did.

In those early years I learned that if it didn’t work one way, adjust until it did work.  Life is like that.  Know that we all will make mistakes.  So what.  You learn and then adjust.  Yachtsmen know that they have to constantly adjust and calibrate their sails in ensuring the maximum leverage of the wind.  Even the slightest adjustment in a sailing competition can mean the difference between winning or losing.  I remember watching the America’ Cup years ago and saw how the best teams made the best adjustments.  And they kept on top of it, always looking and feeling each change of the wind.

To become successful in any endeavor it takes constant adjustments in order to reach your goals.  Look at what you are doing and if it’s not working, then adjust until it does.  Thomas Edison did that with every single invention he worked on.  If you are extremely lucky, then you may get it right the first time.  Though, true luck takes preparation and adjustments.



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