
No, the sky is not falling and is this not about Chicken Little.  The acorn is simply a representation of opportunities. ideas and growth.  There are many moments throughout our life where acorns will fall upon us.  They can be small or large.  It matters not.  It is simply being open to seeing them and then planting them.  When we sow the seeds of each opportunity, idea or growth, we will allow them to grow into a giant oak tree.

Each oak tree, in turn, represents thousands of additional opportunities.  It is only up to us in what we do with them.  Nurturing is certainly part of that.  We can also give opportunities to others and allow them to nurture each one.  Though, we can’t do that until we grow our own into one that is successful.  Only then will we have the fully matured oak tree that will allow us to do that.


First and foremost, you have to be open to seeing those acorns to begin with.  Most people are simply going about in their mundane lives and eking out a living in a job that they may not like.  And if they somehow recognize that an acorn hit them on the head, they may just kick it away.  Some may get started and the acorn may even take root.  A sapling may pop up.  If there is not continuous effort put forth, day in and day out, then that sapling may never become an full-grown oak tree.  What happens is that the sapling will simply die away.

Successful people nurture and work hard at ensuring the acorn becomes a fully mature oak tree.  They will take that opportunity and create something that will last and be a strong producer of more acorns and oak trees.  One day a mighty forest of oak trees are created.

I say to you, open yourself up to opportunities or better yet, go create them.  Don’t just wait around until one shows up.  Just like the squirrel that will gather nuts and acorns for the winter, so should you go create your opportunity.

I wish you many successful opportunities in your life.


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