We live in a very trying time. And for many it has become even more trying. I’ve even read that many have decided to give up on doing anything. They have come to believe that no matter what they do, nothing will ever change for them.
I’m not a big believer in acting in a Pollyanna fashion. Having said that, I do believe we have control. Maybe not on what’s happening outside of our influence, but in our response to them. We can control how we think about it. That is true of any situation. Things will always happen, in good times and bad times. It’s only how you respond to each event that is important.
Challenges are part of life. Fear may creep in for many when they face the challenges of life. It’s how you respond to them. When you finally make a decision to find the strength and believe that you will, then you will. It starts with your beliefs!
As triathlete Matt Long discovered, you should not be afraid to go after your dreams and simply find the strength to do it.
You first start from the challenge and make a decision that you will overcome it. Tell yourself that you have a strength within you to do it. Believe that you do. Next, find past resources where you had the strength in getting past a challenge. That could be a sporting event, a class in school, or just about anything else. The reason for this is. If you’ve done something before, then you’ll be able to do it again in any other arena. Enlist the help of others. Sometimes someone else will have a different perspective or simply help keep you motivated. Plan on how you’re going to overcome the challenge. And then take action. If it doesn’t work the first time, then make adjustments and go for it again. That’s how you learn and grow. You learn what works and what doesn’t work.
I wish you success as you find that strength to overcome any challenge you face.