So many people go about their lives falsely believing that they are destined for this or that.  How many times have you heard the term, “You are destined for greatness”?  No one is destined for anything except death.  That will eventually happen to every single individual.  Now that I’ve scared you, let’s get on to creating your own destiny.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” ~Peter Drucker

We never know what is going to happen from day to day.  And yet, we can have an influence on the outcome of each day.  In a sense, it’s about increasing the odds into your favor.  If you have a family history of heart disease and early death, then you can increase the odds of living longer and disease free by living  a healthy life.  You would take certain actions in your life that will lead you towards that.

Our beliefs about our life will have a profound influence on the actions we take and therefore the outcome.  If you believe that you are destined for this or that, guess what?  This or that will more likely happen.  Not because of some greater force that leads you to it.  It’s your behavior based on your beliefs that truly dictates the outcome and your destiny.

In whatever area of your life you have more control than you realize.  Granted, if a natural disaster happens and you’re caught in the middle of it, there’s not much you can do.  With the exception of preparation beforehand and your attitude during and after.  This will help you increase your odds of surviving and thriving.  Like in anything else, preparing for the future will help you have a more successful outcome.

What would you do to increase your odds of becoming wealthy?  You’d probably learn from those that have become wealthy and even duplicate their actions, right?  You’d even find someone who became wealthy in something that you can relate to.  And you would develop the belief, behavior and attitude of the truly wealthy.

Here’s an article written for entrepreneurs regarding creating your future. The Best Way To Predict The Future Is To Create It. In the article it talks about action regarding entrepreneurs.  Action is a key to making things happen in any regard.  And yet, it start with belief.

Ask yourself, “What are my beliefs about destiny?”  “Am I willing to change my behavior and take action?”  “Will I take action now?”

Each of those questions are important as well as the answers.  From there, it’s time for you to start creating your destiny now.  The following steps will help you to do that.

  1. Imagine your future and what you want it to look like.  Make sure you know when in the future it is.  Specifically.
  2. Backtrack from the future to your present and imagine what it took you to reach it.
  3. Create a roadmap following what you learned.  Use SMART goals to do so.
  4. Take daily action steps towards your goals and your destiny.
  5. Look at any mistakes and opportunities.  Make adjustments and do it again.
  6. Repeat the process until your start realizing that your dream has come true.

I wish you the best in making your future happen.  Claude Bristol wrote a small book back in 1932 which I have revised.  It’s about helping you understand that you have a power within you for success.  It’s called TNT – It Rocks the Earth (Revised).

Your destiny awaits by your hand.

America’s #1 Mind-Body Transformation Expert
Author of Mind Your Own Fitness

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