7 Ways to Add Fitness Into Your Day
I came across a gentleman today that was overweight. Not in the stocky sense either. His belly was quite large and he was only 48 years old. He had told me that he joined a gym. The problem was that he has not used his membership. When he saw me he thought I was...
Do You Want a Great Life or Simply a Lifestyle?
"The best use of life is to invest it in something which will outlast life." ~William James We've been told to live the American Dream. That dream consisted of living in a certain kind of home, going to a certain kind of college and having a certain kind of job in...
Making Each Moment Count…
"Life is a succession of moments, to live each one is to succeed." ~Corita Kent One of my good friends is about to embark on a trip to India. He will be doing some filming as well as learning. He even has a film company that will meet him there to help create a...
Challenge Your Upper Body Fitness by Making the Climb
How easy it seemed when we were kids. Climbing trees was so much fun back then. I wonder why people don't do it today like they did as children. Maybe it is because they might think they are too old or too scared. The latter being more plausible. because of...
The Power of the Mirror to Bring You to Success
I remember reading Claude Bristol's, The Magic of Believing and came across a strategy called The Mirror Technique. Claude suggested that the mirror helps to unleash the subconscious mind. If each of us were to truly look at ourselves in a mirror, faults and all,...
More Movement is Natural
I had recently done research for an article I'm doing for a men's magazine on Paleo Fitness. It was interesting regarding the scientific data that has come out regarding the differences between humans today and humans 10,000+ years ago and it's it startling. While...
Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind to Eat Healthier
Dessert seems to have been a part of many of our childhoods, especially in the Western culture. It's been used as a pacifier and more. Whether it was the fun times at the family dinner table or dealing with an emotional issue, desserts were used to help make someone...
Trial and Error plus Persistence May Lead to Success
"If you're not making mistakes, then you're not doing anything. I'm positive that a doer makes mistakes." ~John Wooden "Like any organism, humans are self-regulating creatures, and feedback loops are how we learn, whether we call it trial and error or course...
Stop Your Anxiety! The Mindfulness Solution…
“Breathing in, I calm body and mind. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment I know this is the only moment.” ~ Thích Nhất Hạnh Overloaded! Stressed! Extreme Anxiety! Are you feeling any of those? When I read a lot of what is going on in today's...
Electra Barakos: Passionate, Powerful and Amazing Singer
Recently I met a young gal who performs in local clubs with her band. Her breakout hit, Problem Child, was amazing to hear and so was watching her music video. I can't believe that this gem has not made it to the international scene. When I hear less talented...