More and more is coming out regarding the power of hugs and smiles.  For too long, it seems, that society has moved away from hugs.  Smiles are still good.  It could be because of the appearance of inappropriate behavior.  I wonder when hugs became inappropriate anyway?  And yet, without hugs and the touching, we’d be pretty bad off.  Therapist Virginia Satir concluded that children need a certain amount of hugs per day just for survival. According to her, children need at least 4 hugs a day for survival, 8 a day for maintenance and 12 or more per day for growth.

Hugs release oxytocin and helps to form bonding.  According to a 2004 study by Kathleen Light, Karen Grewen and Janet Amico, oxytocin via hugs may be even more important for women as it helps to lower blood pressure and heart rate as well as stress.  Cortisol is also reduced.  Beside oxytocin, hugs contribute to release of two-feel good hormones, dopamine and serotonin.

Now, add a smile to the mix and your body releases endorphins!  Yes, this feel-good hormone also reduces pain.  Oh, and a smile releases serotonin too!  Just like a hug.  You may be thinking, with all these amazing drugs that hugs and smiles give, why would anyone want to partake of any other drug, right?  I’m thinking that too.

Get rid of depression through hugs and smiles.  Increase growth through hugs and smiles.  Make the world a happier place through hugs and smiles.  Both help with the immune system as well.  Healthier and happier because of hugs and smiles should be the motto.

Both hugs and smiles have shown to increase success in individuals of all ages.  So, as Benjamin Franklin would say, let’s make hugs and smiles as part of getting to healthy, wealthy and wise.  And yes, they will help in increasing your brain power too!


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