
Life is about making adjustments.  Years ago I learned from my father parts of this lesson.  He had this oscilloscope in which he would do certain electronic projects at home.  He demonstrated how a simple adjustments (which he called calibration) led to a different outcome.  I will never forget doing that with the old black & white television sets.  Constantly did I have to adjust the “rabbit ears”, the horizontal and vertical holds.  It was a battle to keep each station in tune.

Getting fit is the same thing.  Making adjustments to lose weight or to build muscle happens all the time.  We have different body structures, so adjustments have to be made.  If you tend to accumulate fat around the midsection, the nutrition adjustments as to what you can eat is key.  So is the type and frequency of your exercises.  Back in my bodybuilding days there were fellow bodybuilders that were known as “hardgainers.”  They had to make extreme adjustments in building muscle.  In fact, less cardio was part of their training.

Adjustments even occur as one progresses through different stages of training.  Once your body adjusts to one workout routine, then it is is time make an adjustment to keep challenging your body.  This is an ongoing activity.  That includes making adjustments in nutrition.

Whatever your fitness goals are, start documenting each day.  That way you will know what works and what doesn’t work for you.  A journal becomes a calibration tool to help keep you on track and aware.  So will all other tools you will have on hand.  That includes a tape measure, a scale (only to determine your bodyfat %), and your eyeballs.  I might include how well you are training too.  If you are getting stronger with increased endurance, document that.  Everything counts in making adjustments.  In fact, you are going to be your own engineer for your body.

Keep doing it until you reach a level of your most excellent self.  Like a race car driver knows that his vehicle is performing at an optimal level due to the adjustments made, so will you.

I wish you success in getting optimally fit.

America’s #1 Mind-Body Transformation Expert and author of ‘Mind Your Own Fitness’.

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