I’ve heard success that it’s this or that so many times.  Some people have said that success is reaching a goal or achieving something spectacular.  Others have told me that they aren’t successful until they have a lot of money.  The problem with those definitions are that is simply not true.  Does the lottery winner make him or her a success?  NO!  They simply beat massive odds to win.  And to bet on those kinds of odds and believing that will make the player successful is outright nonsense.  Having a lot of money is not success.

Each one of us will have a different definition of success.  The base for all true success comes from consistent effort applied every day towards a worthy goal.  Making mistakes along the way is part of the journey of success.  John Wooden stated that “Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable.”

Giving your best effort every single day and keeping on track will lead you to the accomplishment of your goal.  When you are giving that “best effort”, you are successful.  It ain’t the big thing, it’s those little, consistent efforts that represent success.  Just as someone working to lose weight the healthy way, they realize that they won’t reach their goal until and unless they put in the effort to make it happen.  They one day, they will realize they reached it.

And you will have setbacks.  The truly successful person knows that.  What do they do?  They simply learn from their falls and get back up, dust themselves off and continue their march forward.  They also discovered that that are getting closer to their goals too.  So can you.

Enlist help, if necessary, and it will be necessary.  You can’t do it alone and alone it be so much more challenging than it should be.  The truly successful also understand this and will bring in resources that make their journey just that much easier.  Still, keep on doing the little efforts.

I wish you a journey of challenges and true success.

America’s #1 Mind-Body Transformation Expert
Author of ‘Mind Your Own Fitness’ and the forthcoming book, ‘The Four Pillars of Fitness Success’

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