One of the hardest things to keep going when going after a goal is enthusiasm.  That’s especially true when you’re stuck doing the mundane, but necessary daily little things that lead to the big things.  It gets even worse when the body is out-of-shape, which leads to an out-of-shape brain.

When the body is inflammed because of too much sugar or refined flour, it starts to play on the brain too.  Certain neurotransmitters (serotonin) and growth hormones are reduced.  That’s due to the excess sugar having an affect on what is known as the Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) gene.  The BDNF is responsible for helping the growth of new neurons (neurogenesis) and new neurconnections (neuroplasticity) as well as serotonin being produced in the hippocampus.

There’s also another type of Diabetes that has started to come into the foreground.  It’s called Diabetes 3 and it affects the brain in much the same way as Diabetes 2 affects the body.  Just realize that a healthy nutrition is very important for mental functioning, just as it’s important for physical functioning.

Exercise is a key to help the BDNF and therefore, serotonin, to come into play more.  Depression will be lessened as one engages in more fitness training.

Let’s get back to enthusiasm.  Being able to maintain it is obviously very difficult when we are inflammed and out-of-shape.  Sleep is another key as many of you may have experienced that feeling of grogginess after a sleepless night.  The thing is with being able to stay motivated towards any goal, day-after-day is directly related to how fit you are as much as the passion you have towards that goal.

Making certain that you are healthy and fit is very important if you want to succeed in reaching your destination.  Enthusiasm is important for anyone.  Start eating healthy each day, every day.  Exercises regularly.  Sleep at least 7 hours a day.  And keep track by using a journal.

My friend, Dr. Lori Shemek, has a wonderful book called Fire-Up Your Fat Burn! available via  While it focuses on weight loss, it is an excellent guide to the nutritional component of a healthy brain and help keep your enthusiasm high.  And she also includes exercises that you can do too.

I wish you a fit and healthy life as you keep your enthusiasm towards a worthy goal.



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