Some accuse me of being overly prepared sometimes.  When I go for hikes I will bring my small backpack with extra water, a compass, extra snacks, a topographical map, a solar blanket, a first aid kit and a couple of small notebooks.  Oh, the multi-gadget knife too!  Additionally, I will learn about the environment I am in.  Even to the point of what wild plants are good to eat. I will do the same when I drive.  A floor jack, tire plug kit, extra belts, and more…

Still, no matter how well-prepared one can be, there are always times when things happen that you can’t plan for.  So, it is important to have the right mindset.  One that can adapt to whatever life throws at you.  Be it a loss of a job, a natural disaster, a gas crisis, an injury and more.

I believe that both preparation and adaptation are important together.  Heck, I do it when I workout.  No gym?  So what!  Simply adapt to your environment.  And if you’ve prepared, then the adapting will be much easier.

We all have the ability to prepare and to adapt.  It simply takes some training and challenges in life to make it easier.  It is nature’s law that the strongest will adapt or simply die away.  And you can’t violate that law.

Have an amazing day ya’ll!

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