
I remember reading Claude Bristol’s, The Magic of Believing and came across a strategy called The Mirror Technique.  Claude suggested that the mirror helps to unleash the subconscious mind.  If each of us were to truly look at ourselves in a mirror, faults and all, we’d see something amazing.

He went onto to say that don’t simply use it in some superficial way.  Instead, use it to build yourself up.  We use it everyday to help us look our best to the world.  How many times have you gone back and looked into the mirror to make sure all was okay.  I use it all the time, making sure I shaved correctly and I didn’t nick myself doing so.  When I did, I would immediately take a piece of tissue to help stop it.  Yes, I have had many pieces of tissue all over my face.

I’ve also used the mirror to practice my presentations.  This was one of the most effective ways (other than using a video camera) that I have ever used.  I got immediate feedback and was able to adjust how I looked.  A full-length mirror worked the best.

“By looking into the mirror, you increase the mental vibrations by which the force and meaning of your words will quickly penetrate to the subconscious minds of your audience.” ~Claude Bristol

A mirror can also be used to help correct one’s posture.  Today I see so many people with bad posture.  It could be a sign of today’s lifestyle as it’s gotten worse.  I think that many of these folks surely could use a mirror in helping them correct their posture.  Heck, if they knew they could and also understand muscle imbalances, they might enlist the help of a good personal trainer.

Another aspect of using a mirror is that you can use it to help you become the person you want to be.  Getting back to your posture, if you understood The Physiology of Excellence (and NLP technique), then using a mirror, you could look at yourself moving into that physical state.  You can also take the physical presence of someone you would like to be like and using the mirror you could match the same physiology as them.

There are so many ways to use a mirror for success.  If you are obese, then you could look at yourself like a block of marble that needs to be sculpted.  Then use the tools to do just that.  Each week you would go back and look at the progress you have made using those tools.  You can also tell yourself how amazing your work is progressing.

The power of words told to yourself as you look into the mirror has the power to influence your subconscious mind.  Make sure to say those words power, meaning and belief.  What you tell yourself (in front of a mirror) and believe it, is more powerful than someone else telling you the same thing.

In every area of life the mirror technique can be used.  It is simply up to you to use it.  Have fun with your mirror.


Bob Choat
America’s #1 Mind-Body Transformation Expert and author of Mind Your Own Fitness

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