Silhouette of a man on mountain top

I remember as a child learning karate in Okinawa, my sensei would emphasize the power coming from the center.  We would do a Japanese war cry called a “kiai” when we punched, kicked or blocked.  This brought forth that power into each strike.  The “kiai” also served to create distraction to one’s opponent.  The best “kiai” always came from the abdomen.  This was the center of one’s power.  And this power is known as “chi”, “ki” or “qi” in the various Asian cultures.

Just as the martial arts has this “ki” power, so does each one of us have a certain centered power that, when unleashed, will help brings us more confidence.  We can initiate this through both physiological and mental actions.  Belief is one part of this key.  When we believe in ourselves and what we do, it creates a physical state in which we look more confident.  We will in turn, act more confident too.  On the other hand, when we put our bodies in a physical state of confidence, that affects our mental state to become more confident.

The center of your personal power and confidence can come from anywhere.  For example, if you feel powerful and confident in one arena, then being able to move into another can be done.  Mine came from the martial arts and using my personal “ki”, I moved into other areas, like public speaking.  That’s also one of the reasons I probably get animated and physical when I do speak (though, not all the time).

All you have to do is to imagine bringing forth that power where you have it and transferring it to where you don’t have it.  In this case, it’s sharing your power with that other area of your life.  And if it comes from your abdomen, the better.  You see, we have another brain there (about 100 million neurons) and what you feel carries over quite easily, because of your intelligent gut.  Oh, and another reason to follow your “gut instinct”.  It knows.

We all have confidence in some area of our life.  Even if it seems miniscule.  Use it for other areas of your life.

Much success to you,


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