
For thousands of years, dogs have been a loyal companion to man.  I know that every single dog I’ve had in life have been special.  Yet, I had not learned from their simple wisdom the meaning of life as I should have.  It’s only been in the last few years that I have come to truly appreciate the gifts they have given me.

I think most of us tend to take the canines in our life for granted. Many will see them only as a pet that they control.  As I walk around my neighborhood, I’ve seen dogs left outside in the middle of the hot summer sun and in the cold of winter.  To me it is sad.  Yet, through of this, dogs will still show love to their masters.
I want to share with you the 5 life lessons I’ve gotten from dogs and hope you’re able to see and use them as well…

  1. Show unconditional love.  Dogs are amazing at this!  It seems that no matter what you do to them, they will still come back to love you and want yours as well.  And yes, dogs are better at this than humans are. With your friends and family, show them the kind of unconditional love that your dog shows you.
  2. Be nonjudgmental. Dogs don’t judge other dogs.  To them, they are simply another dog.  They don’t look at them on how different they look or their socioeconomic status.   When we come across another human being, look at them as such.  Eliminate your judgment.  Too many people are so stuck in their personal beliefs, that they end up missing meeting someone wonderful.
  3. Live in the moment.  Dogs don’t have worries.  They simply know that what exists is right now.  To them, what happened in the past doesn’t exist and things yet to come are not here.  Humans tend to over-think things and worry about what may or may not happen.  Hence, we suffer from high anxiety and stress.  Right now is the only time that counts.  Live and play in it.  Work in it.  Simply be present all the time.
  4. Be yourself.  One thing I’ve noticed about dogs is that they don’t care what they look like or act like.  They are simply being true to their nature.  They are not fake.  Humans tend to want to be and look like something they are not.  They will wear masks or even create an avatar on social media of someone who it the polar opposite of who they really are.  When you are being your true self, you are way more attractive to others.  And if others judge you because of who you really are, then you don’t need them as friends.
  5. Play and play some more your whole life.  Whether a dog is a puppy or in the latter years of their life, they still want to play and enjoy life.  They will run as best they can and they love the outdoor world.  Nature is paradise to them and the best place to play.  As humans grow older, many tend to lose the art of play.  Yet, it is an important part of really engaging in life.  Play can mean different things to different people.  Find yours and do it as often as you can.  It’s a great stress reducer and in many cases, it can also keep you fit.

Next time you’re with you dog, give them a hug and thank them for being in your life as well as teaching you about life. They are more than a pet.  They are part of your family and your life.  Each dog you’ve had will always have a place in your heart.  Embrace that and extract the lessons each have taught you long after they left.  The truth is that they will always live on when on when you do that.


Bob Choat
America’s #1 Mind-Body Transformation Expert and author of Mind Your Own Fitness

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