
Several years back during one of my hikes, I came across a divided path.  Each path led to a certain point and as I did not have a map with me, I had no idea which way to go.  I thought to myself, “Was I lost?”  That thought quickly vanished when I realized all I had to do was look to the positioning of the sun  during that particular time of the year.  I knew which way was north and took the path that led me back the right way.

The paths we take should lead to a certain destination.  Every goal we have has many divided roads.  If we know what our goal is, then it becomes easier to know which path to take.  Had I had a better plan when I did the hike, I simply would have had a map with me as well as a plan.  That is the same with any destination we seek to pursue.  Have a plan on how to reach it, then take the action steps necessary to make it happen.

If you know where you are going, have a good plan, the right resources and take consistent action…you will reach it.  There are other factors involved, like a willingness to keep going at it until you do reach it.  That stems from your attitude about success.  For now, travel the right path that leads to your destination.  Do the right actions that will ensure its success.  And do it for you.  For that is truly traveling the right way.



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