
After recently completing the Google Analytics Academy course called Digital Analytics Fundamentals, there was one section in it that could be applied in just about any area of life.  I won’t go into the details of it and it is something I’ve talked about before (as plan, do, review).  Like anything else, having an objective or mission is important.  If you’re trying to lose weight and don’t know what your objective is, then it probably is not going to happen.

Once an objective is established, the having a plan comes next.  A plan should be measurable and actionable.  If not, then you’ll never know what works and what doesn’t work.

So, starting out with the mission and vision of what you want to accomplish with a good plan, it is time to take action.  Part of the action steps is to test what will work and what won’t work.  Documenting each step will ensure that you have that data.

For example, someone who is using this to lose weight can use a journal to help keep track of data.  That data being their diet, the exercises they’ve done and other lifestyle choices.

Once you have the data from the actions you’ve taken, then you can evaluate it and make improvements.  Based on those improvements, you can take different actions and enter back into the cycle.  Each time you’ll get better and better.  And it is for weight loss, you will discover the best plan possible for you.


Every successful venture uses similar methods of evaluating where they are at and where they need to go.  Still, without action, you’ll never know what works.  Failure will happen and the truth is, it is only feedback.

Give this a go and see how it works for you.  Keep it simple unless you have a background in data analysis.  I would still keep it simple.  And take action!


Bob Choat
America’s #1 Mind-Body Transformation Expert and author of Mind Your Own Fitness

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