
Mantras have been used by Buddhist monks for eons. It’s simply a word or chant used in a meditative state. It works because the repetition of saying something in this way tends to embed into one’s subconscious mind.

Too many times we may repeat a negative mantra while in a quasi-hypnotic state create by our environment. We may even subconsciously utter negative words that others have told to us. This repetition becomes our reality. It the arena of fitness, what we say over and over again may lead to us either becoming fit (if that is what we repeat) or the opposite (if we say negative things about us and fitness).

In creating your personal mantra for fitness, let me suggest that you utilize the “Rule of Three” when doing so. What I mean by this is to create a phrase that consists of three words. Heck, you might even create three phrases where each consists of three words. The rule of three is prevalent in our lives and it is powerful.


Think about it, it is so embedded in every culture that it’s natural to use. The Holy Trinity, 3 colors in flags, in sports (3 strikes, 3 bases, 3 medals, etc..), triathlon, UPS, NBA, ABA and so forth…

A personal mantra for fitness should embody an emotional state as well as the words. When you say your mantra, make sure you feel it too. You’ve got to believe each one in order to accept it into your subconscious mind. After you state them, take some sort of action that is in line with what you said.


Here are some 3 word mantras (some with “and” as a filler) that others have used:

“Keep moving forward”

“Find your stride”

“Remember to breathe”

“I am powerful!”

“Breath, believe, and battle” (this came from Olympian Kerrie Walsh)

“Fight on and win!”

If you find a quote that fits you and is not part of the rule of three, it is fine. Know that nothing is set is stone as far as rules. Most important is that it works for you. When it feels right, just do it!

You can repeat your mantras during a meditative state, at night, in the morning or when you need to before a workout. You’ll find that when you do that, it may just help you in other areas of your life too.

Let me suggest that you write down your mantras on an index card. Carry this with you wherever you go. Heck, you might even want to create mantras in other areas of life as well. Once you repeat each one enough times, you’ll remember them and may not need the index card once that happens.


Again, repeat your mantra every day. This way you’ll move towards fitness without even thinking of it. And when you face struggles during training, your mantra can help you push through with grit and determination. For me, “I am gritty, determined and successful.”


Bob Choat, “Transformational Master Black Belt” Black_belt.svg-sm
America’s #1 Mind-Body Transformation Expert and author of Mind Your Own Fitness

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