
Speed! That is the name of game in today’s world and those that aren’t fast lose, right? Wrong. Sure, in business it’s important for certain processes to be fast. Yet, when humans are running the show and are hurrying up, there are a number of errors being made. We are not mechanical beings or robots. We make mistakes and the more stressed out we are, the more fallible we become. Sometimes we have to slow down in order to move forward. This TedTalk by Carl HonorĂ© helps to illustrate more on the importance of slowness in your life…


During my practice in the martial arts, learning of chi or ki was vital so that I became more effective. Chi is the energy that comes from one’s center. You probably heard of the term “being centered”, right? Well, in essence, it is the power that lies in the gut. It’s also the area where we experience our most calm self.

When we engage in deep breathing, it’s the pulling of air into our lungs all the way towards our belly. That’s one of the reason’s it is known as “belly breathing.” Well, air doesn’t really go that far. It’s simply when we are using our diaphragm right that our belly will extend out when we breathe.

Being centered includes the process of deep breathing. In the martial arts, when we have a strong core (center) and foundation (legs), we are our most powerful physically. When we are centered in our bodies, our mind and body are fully working as one. The martial arts of Tai Chi is a good representation of this connection.

So, being centered is the first key to true health, happiness and success.

The next key is awareness. Awareness is simply being self-aware as well as aware of the environment around us. Put another way, it is being present focused (aka: now). You’ve heard of mindfulness, correct? This is the year of mindfulness. Awareness and mindfulness go hand-in-hand.

It starts with being self-aware. Most people are disconnected from their own bodies. They have no idea what is going on with it. This includes how emotions, food, exercise, and stress affect it. When we realize that we have the ability to control our physical body via our mind, then we can take advantage and make our life much better. One of the things I’ve noticed is when I know that certain triggers affect me, I have the ability to respond in a better way. I can even stop the trigger altogether by being self-aware.

Awareness allows us to make better choices and therefore, actions. This is for both the self and the environment.

The 3rd key is flow. Also known as being in the zone, flow state is that point where we are absolutely at a state of pure joy. We are challenged enough without feeling anxiety or boredom. Once we adapt to the challenge, then it is time to take it to the next level, otherwise we may end up bored. So-called gifted children may end up bored in a standard classroom and thereby not take any action. They may end up doing less than their potential. They need to be challenged, just not too much.


The best of the best are constantly challenging themselves to rise. When they do, they feel joy. Michael Jordan best represented is process. He is probably the most cited athlete when it comes to “being in the zone.”

Many employees, like the gifted children, tend to suffer boredom due to doing the same work year after year with no additional challenges. I think many employers don’t realize or know how to challenge them. It could be that the employee may be in the wrong career. Too many people will take jobs just for the money and end up dissatisfied years later. You probably heard of the professional, such as an attorney, who quit after years of practice to pursue their dreams. Some even went into the entertainment industry or likewise. They eventually found their joy, their state of flow.

Most important is that each one of us can learn to get centered, become more aware and get into a state of flow in our lives. Part of it is to learn to slow down in order to get there. I realize that we falsely believe that we have to go fast and faster in order to succeed. I want to leave you with this premise that slowing down will be much better for you in health, happiness and yes, success.


Bob Choat, “Transformational Master Black Belt” Black_belt.svg-sm
America’s #1 Mind-Body Transformation Expert and author of Mind Your Own Fitness


Carl HonorĂ©’s website on slowing down: www.carlhonore.com

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