
As I looked at myself in the mirror and almost didn’t recognize me. I guess that is what age will do. One thing I’ve learned in life is that we all are going to age. It all depends on how we age that counts. I’ve seen friends of mine that didn’t fare so well. They look really old and their physical presence shows it. I’m sure you’ve seen the same in your life as well.

Even if you’ve managed to get to a point in your life where you’re not where you want to be, you can change. This includes your physical presence too.

In order to move forward into a future that includes a better you, you’ve got to take inventory of where you’re at now. Starting with your mindset, your skills, your knowledge, your know-how and your physical self. This is the starting point towards making improvements. If you don’t know where you’re at now, you can’t possibly get to where you want to be.


Taking inventory should start with the assets you possess…

  • Your mindset
  • Your skills
  • Your experiences
  • Your education
  • Your natural abilities
  • Your network
  • And so forth…

Next, look at what you lack towards where you want to get to…

  • Skills
  • Experiences
  • Resources
  • Mindset
  • And so forth…

In each area, you can do something about it. While you may not have natural abilities, you can increase your skills by working at it. You can also increase them by bringing in others who have them.

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Part of your inventory should be looking at your physical and mental health. Be truthful. Remember, this is for your own good, not mine or anyone else at this point. Let me clarify this. Once you reach a certain level of success for yourself, you’ll be better at helping others in your life. Too many times I’ve seen people give up on themselves in order to help others. The truth is that when you do that, you won’t be at your best to help.

Once you made the necessary inventory of you, then it will be time to create a plan of action. From the list of what you’ll need, do research. This will be the beginning of putting together an effective plan. Let me suggest that you look into the future of your best self. Imagine what the perfect day will be like for the best you.

Take inventory of what it took to get you there. What do you possess at that point in time that you didn’t have before. This will include who you are associating with.

Track backwards on everything action you took and every behavior change you made all the way to the day you began your journey. Who did you meet? What did you learn? At what point did you apply your new knowledge? What were the milestones? When did they occur? What were the challenges you had to overcome?

Each question asked will enable you to create a better plan. This becomes your road map. You personal blueprint. Will your journey always go according to your plan?  Most likely not. In fact, parts of my journey became even better than my plan. I think the challenges I faced made me stronger. I learned to make necessary adjustments and so will you.


Here’s part of the key to the process: Go with grit, determination and persistence. These factors alone are important for success.

Now, start building a better and new you. Strive for excellence when you do.


Bob Choat, “Transformational Master Black Belt” Black_belt.svg-sm
Mind Hacker
Growth Hacker
Life Hacker
America’s #1 Mind-Body Transformation Expert and author of Mind Your Own Fitness

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